Venus Enters Aries
The Shadow of the Feminine in the Dance of Becoming
As Venus enters Aries, the masculine sign of her exile. The goddess of femininity in the realm of war, aggression and even violence, is not comfortable here; especially after being in the sign of Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. Yet she is a goddess, after all. She will rise in her exile and she will transform and become the Amazonian Warrior Queen.
Here she invites us to step into a bold new chapter in our relationship with ourselves, our desires, and our personal power. But as Venus moves through her shadow phase, there’s a deep alchemical undertone to this celestial transit—a moment of self-transformation that lays the foundation for our future growth. This is not an ordinary ingress into the realm of the masculine. The invitation here is to slow down and observe our surroundings. The time for action is not quite right.
For we’re not just witnessing a celestial shift; we are experiencing a cosmic dance, a transformation of the feminine archetype, as Venus confronts her shadows in Aries - impulsive love and desire; selfishness and lack of consideration; overly competitive in love; avoidance of vulnerability - and prepares for what lies ahead. This powerful moment—charged with the energies of independence, self-love, and cosmic wisdom—foreshadows a profound rebirth in the coming weeks. Though discomfort or tension may arise now, it is this alchemy that will ultimately shape our radiant emergence.
Venus in Aries: The Call to Reclaim Our Boldness
Venus, in her natural state, is about love, beauty, and connection (Libra archetype). But when she enters Aries, she becomes untamed, independent, and ready to claim her desires unapologetically. This is the warrior goddess in all of us—standing tall, blazing a trail of authenticity, and daring to go after what we truly want.
But right now, Venus is in her shadow phase, which means that her path is not entirely clear. It’s as though we are being called to reclaim our boldness in the midst of uncertainty. This is a time when old patterns of self-doubt, fear of rejection, or even confusion about what we truly desire may surface. This shadow phase serves as a mirror, urging us to examine these layers so we can move forward with clarity, strength, and integrity.
As Venus moves through this shadow period, tune into your desires. What have you been afraid to express? Where in your life are you holding back from fully stepping into your truth? The work now is to reexamine the truth of the source of your desires and clear the path—to release the fear and doubt that have kept you from claiming your place in the world, in love, and in your relationships.
Jupiter Direct in Gemini: Expanding Duality and the Quest for Truth
In perfect alignment with Venus’ fiery entrance into Aries, Jupiter has gone direct today in the mutable, dual-natured sign of Gemini. This powerful shift invites us to expand our horizons through communication, learning, and new perspectives. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, brings us closer to the truth we seek, but not always in the form we expect.
Jupiter direct in Gemini now calls us to embrace curiosity, to explore multiple viewpoints, and to seek out the contradictions and nuances that exist within us and the world around us. As Venus in Aries urges us to stand tall in our desires, Jupiter's direct motion reminds us that growth often comes from embracing duality—seeing the both/and, not just the either/or.
Jupiter in Gemini expands our view, urging us to embrace the complexity of our desires and identity. This transit encourages us to communicate our truths with more clarity, and perhaps more flexibility, recognising that our perspective evolves. Whether it’s about internal dialogue or external communication, Jupiter in Gemini invites us to broaden our thinking and question assumptions that may have limited us in the past.
Mars Retrograde in Cancer: The Masculine Reawakening
At the same time, we find Mars in retrograde in Cancer—its fall—creating a moment of revelation and introspection for the masculine energies. Mars, the planet of action, is feeling more inward, reflective, and perhaps even hesitant. Mars in Cancer calls for emotional nourishment and healing. And when retrograde, there’s a pull inward to process and reconnect with our past—particularly around issues of family, nurturing, and emotional safety.
With Venus’ shadow phase and Mars in retrograde, the cosmos is asking us to balance the assertion of the feminine (Venus in Aries) with the vulnerability of the masculine (Mars retrograde in Cancer). It’s a time to reclaim both your inner warrior and your inner nurturer—to integrate the tender, emotional energy of Cancer with the fierce, independent energy of Aries.
The Foreshadowing of Venus Retrograde and the Spiritual Rebirth
As we approach March 1st, Venus will go retrograde in Aries, marking a powerful period of self-reflection and realignment. Venus in Aries—her exile sign—calls for us to put down our armour, letting go of the defensive tendencies that have built up over time. This retrograde will serve as a rebirth in itself, a process of reclaiming our personal power and transforming how we relate to love and connection.
After her time in Aries, Venus will move into Pisces, her exalted sign, where she can realign with her spiritual essence. This will be a moment of grace, where Venus drops all protective barriers and reconnects with her higher, cosmic self—a gentle yet powerful alignment with the divine flow of unconditional love. Venus' journey from exile in Aries to exaltation in Pisces symbolises the process of spiritual realignment, an essential step towards embodying our highest potential in love and relationships. So take note of the triggers that arise for you in the next three weeks for therein is the work of the Venusian goddess within you.
Embracing the Alchemy of the Present Moment
As we move closer to Taurus season, the alchemical work continues. We are in the midst of a transmutation—an internal process of healing, purification, and empowerment. We are still in the second half of Aquarius season where things are all but quiet. There’s a loud rumbling in the not so far distance and the drums of war have not stopped beating since the North Node had entered Aries 19 months ago. Yet with the North Node now in Pisces, we are collectively urged to inspect our spiritual, inner world. We are urged to remember our true nature; that we are spiritual beings having a human experience - not the other way around. And when Pisces season arrives, it will invite us to deeply surrender and release, allowing for our much awaited spiritual rebirth. It’s the labour of creation a mother must go through before giving birth to a new life. It is a time to embrace the mystical dissolution of old self-concepts and relational patterns. Then, as Venus crosses into Aries season and Mars is back in Leo to confront Pluto in Aquarius, the fiery reawakening begins. The birth of a new version of ourselves, more aligned with truth, courage, and self-empowerment, takes root in the warmth of fire. The labour of Pisces transforms into the reignition of Aries, the resurrection of Osiris, where the desires and actions we’ve nurtured through reflection can now boldly manifest.
And when we arrive in Taurus season, the full blossoming will occur. This will be the flowering—a season where all that has been built, released, and refined over the past months now begins to take tangible form. Taurus will bring the grounding energy necessary to stabilise and expand our newfound strength and self-love into the material world right in time for the most beautiful season: the midst of Spring.
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